National Museums of Kenya

Where Heritage Lives on

Directorate Brief


The Directorate of Research and Collection (DRC) is the research arm of NMK which is vested with the core function of conducting research on the cultural and natural heritage of the country as well as collecting and managing the national collection. The Directorate has existed since the concept of a museum in Kenya was started with collections by the early nature enthusiasts. The current Directorate’s name came into being after the last organizational restructuring which was implemented in 2007.

The DRC is vested with the mandate of developing and implementing research projects that are focused on a sustainable use, conservation and preservation of Kenya’s heritage. The collection that arise from the research and collection activities are identified, deposited and curated in the directorates’ repositories. These form the core of national reference collection of natural as well as cultural heritage and are the basis for education, research and conservation in the various fields covered.

Research activities and programmes undertaken in the Directorate result in a steady stream of scholarly publications, a wealth of grey literature and increased national reference collection which is currently estimated over four million. Capacity for research comprises some 35 Doctorate and over 57 Master degree level officers. The Directorate, furthermore, plays a key role in education, training and public awareness. It provides specialized training at several levels to strengthen the national capacity to conduct heritage research work. A significant number of research staff members are often called upon by local universities to offer specialized courses whose expertise is only available at NMK.

Through its grant-making activities, the Directorate contributes to the fund raising initiative of the organization. The directorate is responsible for Kenya’s international/ Multilateral Environmental agreements and conventions, namely Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Flora and Fauna. NMK serves as the Scientific Authority for Ramsar convention for which is the National Focal Point. In order to perform its roles effectively, the Directorate of Research and Collections has the following six research departments:

Botany department :

Centre for Biodiversity:

Cultural Heritage department:

Earth Sciences department :

The EAH undertakes research in plant taxonomy, conservation & biodiversity assessment
which is key in unveiling species status, natural resource management to inform, EIA, wildlife
and forest management, water management, food security, human and environmental health
in the advent of climate change.

The role of the centre was to coordinate country biodiversity studies and direct its subsequent operations in consultation with relevant government agencies. Over the years, the centre has not only coordinated multi-disciplinary projects in Kenya, but has also been designated as a National Scientific Authority for various Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs).

The department of earth sciences is one the core research department of the National Museums of Kenya. It comprises of four sections namely Paleontology, Archaeology, Palynology/Paleobotany and Geology.
Our research is wide-ranging and cross-disciplinary in its themes, that ensure the adequate distribution of our support and resources. Through our responsive research activities, we work towards the long term convergence of related research programmes.

Zoology department :

Resource Centre department :

The role of the Department of Zoology is to conduct research on animals (including invertebrates, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals) through taxonomic and ecological studies. Core functions of the department can be summarized as; research and monitoring; documentation and dissemination of information; education, training and awareness and collection management.